Clients can register for classes at the registration link here on the website.
Please feel free to call, text or email with questions.
Yes, we accept insurance.
In addition, we offer payment plans and a sliding scale by application, which may be made online by signing up as a client family member, logging in and filling out the application.
Group Classes are $65 per class or sliding scale rate. Payment in full, The Parenting series is $399 per person and The CoParenting series is $179 person. These prices include taxes, all material and ongoing support via text, email and access to weekly office hours. Private classes and appointments are $120 per hour or sliding scale rate.
Group Parenting Classes are on Saturday mornings from 10 to 12 MST and Group CoParenting Classes are on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:30 MST. All other classes are by appointment. Currently all group classes are by Zoom. Private sessions are over Zoom or in person at the office.
Letting us know before a group class is scheduled is preferred. You may make up any missed classes the next time that class comes up in rotation or schedule and pay for a private make up class if needed. 24 hours notice for private session is requested.
No. 1 am a consultant offering support and teaching skills, asking good questions.
Email your referral sheet to us at elissa@relationship-works net or call. l’m happy to take a conference call to introduce myself to a potential client.
Group classes are two hour sessions. Private sessions range from one to two hours, available weekdays and evenings and Saturdays. Zoom sessions and in person sessions are available. Group classes are currently live over zoom.
This applies to intake, treatment, discharge, or other participation in any of Relationship Works’ programs, services, or activities.
Any alleged violations of this policy or questions regarding the law with respect to nondiscrimination should be directed to the executive director, Elissa Chazdon at Elissa@Relationship-Works.net.